Debussy and Ravel: String Quartets
Following the immense success of their first release on Resonus Classics, the renowned Eroica Quartet release an album of String Quartets by Ravel and Debussy.
Released to coincide with the 150th anniversary of Debussy’s birth, this album represents the first modern recording of the works to feature performances on gut strings and with aspects of period performance.
Over many years the Eroica quartet has successfully established itself as a pioneering group in the rediscovery of nineteenth-century performing techniques and styles by directly challenging the modern assumptions about performance of music from the era. The influence of the early nineteenth-century approach to vibrato, portamento and bowing styles remained largely intact until the 1920s and it is these period techniques to which the quartet turns in order to offer fresh insight into the works.
About the Artist: Eroica Quartet