Anna Dennis (soprano)
Amy Freston (soprano)
Ciara Hendrick (mezzo-soprano)
Samuel Boden (tenor)
Ashley Riches (bass)
Rodolfus Choir
Julian Perkins (director)
In their second album for the Resonus label, the London-based early music group Spiritato present the world premiere recording of Daniel Purcell's opera The Judgment of Paris.
Composed for the Music Prize of 1700-01 to a libretto by William Congreve, Daniel, the younger cousin or brother of Henry Purcell, here demonstrates an endlessly inventive and innovative style in a bold attempt to create a school of all-sung English opera. Used by all of the four entrants to the Music Prize (John Eccles, Gottfried Finger, John Weldon and Daniel Purcell), the libretto tells the tale of a shepherd Paris, who is visited by a messenger of the Gods, Mercury, who gives him the Golden Apple of Discord, which he has to award to the most deserving of three goddesses - Venus (goddess of love), Pallas (goddess of war) or Juno (goddess of marriage).
Album Booklet (PDF)
The Judgment of Paris
1. Symphony
2. Mercury: From High Olympus and the Realms Above
3. Paris: Symphony for Hoboys to Paris
4. Paris: Wherefore dost thou seek
5. Mercury: Symphony for Violins (This Radiant fruit behold)
6. Symphony for Paris
7. Paris: O Ravishing Delight – Help me Hermes
8. Mercury: Symphony for Violins (Fear not Mortal)
9. Mercury, Paris and Chorus: Happy thou of Human Race
10. Symphony for Juno – Saturnia, Wife of Thundering Jove
11. Trumpet Sonata for Pallas
12. Pallas: This way Mortal, bend thy Eyes
13. Venus: Symphony of Fluts for Venus
14. Venus, Pallas and Juno: Hither turn thee gentle Swain
15. Symphony of all
16. Paris: Distracted I turn
17. Juno: Symphony for Violins for Juno (Let Ambition fire thy Mind)
18. Juno: Let not Toyls of Empire fright
19. Chorus: Let Ambition fire thy Mind
20. Pallas: Awake, awake!
21. Trumpet Flourish – Hark! Hark! The Glorious Voice of War
22. Trumpet Sonata
23. Pallas: O what Joys does Conquest yield
24. Chorus: O how Glorious
25. Venus: Stay lovely Youth, delay thy Choice
26. Venus: Far from thee be anxious Care
27. Venus & Chorus: One only Joy Mankind can know
28. Venus: Nature fram’d thee sure for Loving
29. Venus: Gentle Shepherd
30. Paris: I yield, I yield
31. Grand Chorus